Hot Hot Hot!!

Well it’s getting colder and I thought you might like some interesting info on a little red fruit that can keep you nice and toastie warm!!

Capsicum annum

Cayenne is one of the oldest cultivated plants on earth and has been consumed as early as 7000 B.C. by the indigenous people of South & Central America.  The Mapache of South Central Chile used as an infusion to lessen headaches!  Due to its pungency ‘Columbus’ named Cayenne as part of the ‘pepper’ family, even though they are not related as a species.

Capsicum annum and Capsicum frutescens are mainly used medicinally.  The alkaloid compound capsaicin gives cayenne its spiciness.  Capsaicin also helps with pain relief by binding to ‘vanillinoid (or capsaicin) receptors’ and promotes the release of substance P, neurokinins, somatostatin and calcitonin from peripheral nerve fibres.  Hence you will get a worsening of pain and itching, this does go away and the nerve fibres are no longer able to transmit pain or itch signals – such relief!!  This is similar to the tolerance to hot curries which can be developed with regular intake.  Regular applications up to 3 times daily will result in long-lasting desensitisation to painful stimuli.  This occurs without any effect on other sensory stimuli.

Capsaicin has been proven effective in double blind trials for many conditions including:

Neuralgias (nerve pain)
Diabetic neuropathy
Dialysis induced pruritis (itchiness)
Psoriatic pruritis
Stump pain
Post mastectomy pain

as well as helping with: Chill blain pain, Poor circulation

So there’s no excuses for this over winter:

Head to our ‘Creams’ page and get some ‘Cayenne Plus Cream’
