Dandelion Leaf is now available online, click HERE to stock up, read on to learn more about Dandelion……
…..Taraxacum officinale
Common names:
Dandelion, Pee in the Bed, Lion’s Teeth, Fairy Clock, Swines Snout, Tell-Time, Priests Crown…& many more.
Family: Asteraceae
Plant Parts Used: Leaves & Root (from plants 2years and older harvested in autumn)
Description & Habitat:
Very well known plant with characteristic lions tooth leaves in a rosette from the centre of which arises a hollow stem bearing a yellow capitulate flower-head. Originally from Asia & Europe, now spread world wide, it grows easily and needs no cultivation. Flowering most of the year with its main season in spring, September – November.
Main Active Constituents:
1. the bitter principle taraxacin
2. triterpenes including taraxerol & taraxasterol
3. phytosterols – ß-sitosterol & stigmasterol
4. inulin – up to 40% in autumn & 2% in spring
5. potassium 1.8-2.6%
6. sesquiterpene lactones – eudesmanolide & germacranolide types
7. p-hydroxyphenylacetic acid & taraxacoside
1. carotenoids including lutein & violaxanthin
2. triterpenes – cycloartenol
3. phytosterols – ß-sitosterol, stigmasterol & campesterol
4. potassium 3.5-4.5%
5. sesquiterpene lactones – germacranolide type)
6. coumarins – scopoletin & esculetin
Nutritional Constituents:
Vitamins: A, B, C & D
Minerals: Potassium, Calcium, Sodium, Phosphorus, Iron, Nickel, Cobalt, Tin, Copper & Zinc.
Vitamins: A, B, C & D
Minerals: Potassium, Iron & Copper.
Main Actions:
1. Hepatic tonic
2. Cholagogue
3. Anti-rheumatic
4. Digestive tonic
5. Anti-lithic
6. Laxative
7. Depurative
8. Choleretic
1. Diuretic
2. Choleretic
3. Appetite Stimulant
Medicinal Uses/Applications:
The action of Taraxacum is very much via stimulation of liver and kidney function. Both parts of the herb have medicinal activity in both areas, though the leaves are stronger for kidney excretion and the root for liver based secretion.
Gastrointestinal System
The bitter principles help stimulate the initial phase of digestion, including the secretion of salivary and gastric juices and the release of bile by the liver and gallbladder. Taraxacum officinales action in increasing bile flow is two fold:
1. it affects the liver directly by causing an increase in bile production and flow to the gallbladder (choleretic effect)
2. it exerts a direct effect on the gallbladder causing contraction and release of stored bile (cholagogue effect)….
….making it suitable for the treatment of:
• liver congestion
• gallstones
• constipation
• hypochlorhydria
• hypoglycaemia
• bile duct inflammation
• jaundice
• cirrhosis
• exposure to toxins
• hepatitis
• loss of appetite
• dyspepsia
• anorexia
• indigestion
Note: The effect of stimulating digestive secretions seems to also increase the release of insulin and it is possible that this can help in the treatment of diabetes. The herb may also balance pancreatic function and therefore be beneficial in hypoglycaemia.
Urinary Tract
Taraxacum leaves are considered to be one of the strongest herbal diuretics, comparable in effect to the orthodox drug frusemide. However large amounts would need to be eaten. Dandelion leaves are used in the treatment of:
• fluid retention
• enuresis (involuntary urination)
• kidney stones
Musculoskeletal System
As a laxative and diuretic Taraxacum aids the removal of metabolic wastes and therefore is useful in treating inflammatory joint disorders such as:
• arthritis
• rheumatoid arthritis
• gout
Dosage (3 x daily):
Infusion (Leaf): 4 – 10gm
Decoction (Root): 2 – 8gm
No known drug interactions.
Contraindicated in those with a known allergy.
Limited use during pregnancy.
Compatible with breastfeeding.
Naturalus Products with Taraxacum officinale:
History & Folklore:
Dandelions have been used as food for much of recorded history in Europe and Asia. It’s common name ‘dandelion’ comes from the French ‘dent de lion’ meaning ‘lions tooth’. In the last century cultivated forms with large leaves have been developed as an autumn and spring vegetable; these are usually blanched in the same way as endive. The roots when dried and chopped and roasted provide the best-known coffee substitute, and all parts have been used in fermented and unfermented beers, wines and tonic drinks. Surprisingly the herb is rarely mentioned by the ancient Greeks and Romans, and it is generally considered that the Arabs promoted its use in the 11th century. It was recommended for medicinal use by Culpepper in the 17th century and European settlers deliberately introduced Taraxacum officinale to the New World, where the herb became so popular that by the 1880’s six varieties were being cultivated in America. The true Taraxacum officinale is often confused in Australia and New Zealand with cat’s ear or false dandelion (Hypochoeris radicata), a more common weed but far less palatable.