Remember to keep on top of your health this wintertime by drinking lots of Organic Herbal Teas for keeping your immunity up…ones to give you strength and energy:
To fight infection you can look at:
Brew a single herb or blend of choice for at least 5 minutes, if you prefer the most nutritional benefits from your tea, then leave to steep for at least 4 hours or make before you go to bed and then you can enjoy throughout the following day either hot or cold. Adding Manuka Honey is all o.k. to do if you find your tea too bitter to start with (as you need some bitterness for your digestion to improve) and Manuka Honey naturally makes Hydrogen Peroxide which is a natural healer, Lemons too make Hydrogen Peroxide (hence why used in the summer time to bleach our hair as kids!!) the two together make the most fantastic remedy for a sore throat!
****Do contact me if you want to be more specific for your teas and health. If you are on any pharmaceutical medications either check with your prescribing practitioner or email me for any concerns for interactions***