

Unleashing Your Health Potential: Exploring the Multifaceted Benefits of Cellfood

Introduction: In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining optimal health is a priority for many individuals. As science advances, innovative products emerge, promising to enhance our well-being in unique ways. One such product is Cellfood, a groundbreaking cellular oxygen and nutrient formula. In this comprehensive blog post, we will delve into the myriad of benefits that Cellfood […]

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Sore Throat Pastilles

you will need…• 1 tablespoon of Organic Rose Petals Powdered• 1/2 tablespoon Organic Sage Leaves Powdered• 2 tablespoons of Organic Marshmallow Root Powdered• 1 & 1/2 tablespoons of Warmed Honey i.e Manuka Honey or Honeydew Honey• Organic Cinnamon Powder & Organic Rose Petal Powder for Rolling Pastilles in  Rose PetalsOrganic Sage LeavesOrganic Marshmallow Root  1.  Powder your

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Astragalus Chai

For change of season strengthening!   Astragalus originates from China known as Huang qi and is considered by some to be a superior tonic than Ginseng.  Believed to energise the outside of the body and tonify the protective energy known as Wei Chi’i which flows just beneath the skin and protects the body from external ‘pathogenic

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Nutritious Winter Porridge

Oats are highly nutritious and a great start to a cold winters day…to make your Porridge even healthier and very yummy why not try adding the following herbs and things to your Organic Oats…. (Click on the links to purchase the individual ingredients that you may need)1/2 cup of Organic Rolled Oats1 – 3 teaspoons Organic

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Withania / Ashwaghanda

Ashwaghanda or Withania somnifera is one of my very favourite herbs.  It helps in so many areas of health and across all ages.  I first used it at College over 17 years ago to help with my studying as well as the huge amount of stress it helped to relieve, it gave me lots of

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Wintertime Herbs

  Remember to keep on top of your health this wintertime by drinking lots of Organic Herbal Teas for keeping your immunity up…ones to give you strength and energy: AstragalusWithaniaSiberian ginsengOatstrawNettle LeafTo fight infection you can look at: Echinacea   Sage   PeppermintElderberryElderflowerCalendulaPau d’ArcoBrew a single herb or blend of choice for at least 5

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Springtime Sniffles?

If you’ve got the springtime sniffles, pollen allergies, sneezes, then you should try drinking Naturalus Allergy Tea…full of amazing organic herbs: licorice root, pau d’arco, echinacea root & eyebright.. which help to relieve those irritating symptoms of itchy eyes, sore throat, sneezing, blocked nose, tickly cough..& it’s delicious to boot 🙂 Click HERE to grab your pack

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