Black Cohosh - Organic
Organic Black Cohosh
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Cimicifuga racemosa
Commonly known as Black Cohosh, Bugbane, Black Snakeroot & also as Actaea racemosa
Its Active Constituents are:
• Triterpene glycosides including acetein, cimicifugoside, recemoside
• Isoflavones including formononetin
• Aromatic acids including isoferulic acid, salicylic acid
• Tannins
• Resin - cimicifugin
• Ranunculin that dries to form anemonin
• Fatty acieds
• Starch
• Sugars
Its actions being:
• Sedative
• Anti-tussive
• Anti-rheumatic
• Emmenagogue
• Astringent
• Diuretic
Its main area of use is in the Reproductive System:
• Menopausal symptoms
• Amenorrhoea
• Fibroids
• Dysmenorrhoea
• Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
• Aid to Labour
• Uterine Spasm
• Premenstrual Syndrome
as well as the Respiratory System:
• Whooping Cough
• Bronchitis
Nervous System:
• Tinnitus Aurium
• Chorea (an abnormal involuntary movement disorder)
• Neuralgia
Musculoskeletal System:
• Sciatica
• Muscular Rheumatism
• Rheumatoid Arthritis
• Intercostal Myalgia
Native to Canada & the U.S.A. Can be grown in NZ, they prefer a semi-shady situation in good, rich, leaf-mouldy soil. Drought & frost resistant. The root and rhizomes are harvested in Autumn and used after drying. Cimicifuga is derived from the Latin cimex, meaning “bug” and fuga meaning “flight” due to it showing the ability to repel bugs, which explains why it is also known as “bugbane”. “cohosh” is an indigenous term of uncertain meaning, but was used with 4 differing plants i.e. black, blue, red and white cohoshes. Black cohosh is a Native American medicine used by the North American tribes: cherokee, Northeastern Algonquian & Oklahoma Delaware. Early medical applications included a decoction preparation for “disease of women, for debility (fatigue), to promote perspiration, as a gargle for sore throats, snake bites, scarlet fever, backache, colds, constipation, hives, insomnia, kidney problems and especially for rheumatism”. New York natural scientist Cadwallader Colden (1688 - 1776) described its use in a poultice for scirrhous tumors, internally for languor, lack of energy, weakness, spontaneous lassitude. In 1833 a monograph included in the “Dispensatory of the United States of America” described its medicinal actions & uses as: “Cimicifuga unites with a tonic power, the property of stimulating the secretions, particularly those of the skin, kidneys & pulmonary mucous membrane. It is thought also by some to have a particular affinity for the uterus. Its common name ….derived from its supposed power of curing the disease arising from the bite of the rattlesnake. It is employed chiefly….in rheumatism, dropsy, hysteria & various affections of the lungs, particularly those resembling consumption. The form of decoction is prefferred….the bruised root may be boiled for a short time in a pint of water & 1 or 2 fluid ounces given for a dose several times a day”.
(The above is for informational purposes only, we recommend consulting with your professional health care worker)
Decoction or powdered: 0.3 - 2gms of dried root/rhizome
CONTRAINDICATIONS (i.e. do not take during) - Pregnancy, Lactation
Organic Black Cohosh Cimicifuga racemosa (root)
Available in black kraft bags.